The GSoC 2018 coding phase officially ended yesterday. We congratulate all students who particpiated!
Google requires all students to preparte a web page summarizing the work they did for their project. Here are the reports for the projects supported by Polly Labs:
Pankaj Kukreja: Collect Polyhedral Benchmarks [Project proposal]
Mentored by: Brian Homerding, Michael Kruse
Sahil Yerawar: Compiling Chapel with Polly/LLVM [Project proposal]
Mentors: Michael Ferguson, Siddharth Bhat, Philip Pfaffe
Andrei Lascu: Metamorphic Testing for Math Libraries [Project proposal]
Mentors: Tobias Grosser, Sven Verdoolaege
We thank all students for their contributions and all mentors for their support. We hope that we could get you interested in developing for LLVM, Clang, Polly and/or isl and maybe that you continue contributing to these projects.
[GSoC Logo source:]